Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lo and Behold!

(Reprint of a post from my food blog..but it's life related too)

As my parents' wedding gift to us, we were able to go out and purchase a Kitchenaid! YES!!!
I am so incredibly excited. It's a beautiful candy apple green (I wanted a lighter green, but Sam, who is allergic to mint, said it looked too much like the offending herb and refused to let me get it, but that's ok) and it is going to make my baking life fifty times easier. I just wish it wasn't so dang heavy.
Anybody want me to make them a cake?
The inaugural recipe was cheesecake marble brownies-- something simple, but chocolatey and delicious and different. I'm making bread next though-- food I've put off making very often because it's very difficult to get good results with out any kind of electric mixer.

I also got to use my brand new double boiler. My cooking life has gotten significantly less ghetto since I got married and got all these presents, let me tell you.
Another thing-- I was cracking eggs into the batter, but the egg was recalcitrant, so I said "come on egg, hatch that velociraptor!" Which is a veiled reference to Jurassic Park, of course. And then the next egg cracked (without help) like this:


1 comment:

Jared and Megan said...


Haha that's awesome though, about the egg *and* the new cooking implements. And yes, you can make me a cake. Sheesh I had no idea you made cheesecake marble brownies! I should have known better than to assume you'd just made some run-of-the-mill-brownies-from-a-box.