Thursday, September 2, 2010

Asleep My Love?

I'm sorry the blog has been dormant lately (although a couple of weeks is not nearly as bad as on the other blog). I won't have internet at home until probably Saturday, so this post will not include pictures from my trip home. Next time!

This week the new semester began, and although it has been sort of a crazy week, there are things I'm really looking forward to in the next few months.

I'm getting a new project at work (FINALLY), and it will technically be Collections (as opposed to Archives, which I've been working, and have never really wanted to work...), so my duties as a "Collections Aide" will finally be real. Or the closest thing to real it's going to get without having any actual collections to process...but that's another story. Also, a couple of days a week I will be supervising an intern (hooray for being the only employee with a regular work schedule), which I think will be a good opportunity to practice...supervising...haha. Anyway, I'm sort of excited for it.

Also, there's TONS of work to do in all my classes, which is fine, but for my Museum Culture class the professor is encouraging us to write exhibit reviews for the Museum Anthropology Review. I'm not going to lie, I have visions of me getting published in a peer-review periodical this semester. But if it doesn't happen, oh well, I'm still going to try!

On Sunday I got a new calling at church. I'll be the secretary for the Relief Society for the next little bit. I know the secretary's job is rather easy and perhaps even menial compared to the rest of the presidency, but I'm still excited to do it. I've watched all the past presidencies I've been through in my SA wards, and I've really learned to admire the way they know and love every one of the women at church. Seriously, I'm excited to take attendance, because it means I will know everyone's name and face. And I'm excited to support the other girls in the presidency with me, because they're great, and it's going to be awesome being around them all the time.



LP said...

Sounds like you're going to have a great semester. Keep it up! And when you supervise, remember it's not okay to send them to the store to get you sodas and strawberries.

Jason Baird Jackson said...

I am glad to know that your Museum Cultures professor there in Somewhere USA is recommending Museum Anthropology Review to you and your fellow students. I am glad that it is seen as a useful and accessible journal for your museum studies/museum work community.

Physical exhibition reviews are the most difficult kind of reviews to commission because of physical world logistics issues (compared to books that can be mailed and digital exhibitions where links can be sent). Thus it is good news that you and your classmates might be contemplating submitting unsolicited reviews. These are welcome but, as your notes suggest, they are not always accepted. As you say, trying is a good thing either way at this stage.

You might encourage your professor to be in touch. In addition to regular-sized sole authored reviews, we have also worked with professors teaching courses like yours on group projects in which the professor and students work together on a more elaborate review essay. For an example, see Chapman et al here:

You can contact me at the journal at

Good luck with your museum work and your courses.

Jason Baird Jackson
Editor, Museum Anthropology Review