Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Des Momies!

After a year of research and work and trials and tribs, the mummy case in the Learning Lounge in the MPC (where I work) is finally completed. I invite you all to come and see it and be proud of me. This project isn't over yet, it will eventually become my senior thesis, and I'm submitting to a couple of research symposiums. Wahoo!


LP said...

Very cool. (I was going to make some pun about me being your mummy, but let that go.) I am very anxious to see this display and think it's groovy that you get to do your senior thesis on this.

btw, a half dozen old theses on chemistry and thermal whatnot came through the Shelf the other day (and then proceeded on their merry way to the trash bin). I wondered what this book donor was doing with all these old theses (from the 1970s and 80s) and it made me wonder how difficult it would be to get copies of theses that one's children write. Hmmm...

LP said...

I like that I used the word "theses" three times in my previous comment. And now I got it in a fourth time.

Shannon said...

That's a good question...I think only master's and PhD theses get actually published. The BA ones you can get directly from the source! ;)