Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another Day

Last week actually went by pretty quickly, but when I think that we still have 4 months of winter to go, this is how I feel about it:


LP said...

Haha! You should give yourself a treat at the beginning of February and another halfway through March. And I don't mean a treat like a candy bar or ice cream cone. It'll give you something to look forward to and serve as a reward for the weeks you survived.

Adrien said...

Hahaha! That is a perfect depiction of it...

Megan said...

LOL!!! Man I thought this was really funny. I can completely relate. For me, I think watching a few interesting shows (Sherlock??), maybe taking a trip to visit Elizabeth's Tea Shop or whatever it's called at some point and hopefully visiting California in March are how I'm going to reward myself. I would also like a new pair of shoes that cost more than a hundred bucks but that's another story...

So what are you going to do? Should we plan something to rebel against winter?